
McKinnon Financial Services is constantly updating its knowledge in the following areas and is keen to pass on the knowledge to clients.

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How to Fund a Comfortable Retirement

As of June 2023, there were about 4.2 million retirees in Australia.  The average age was just over 65, and the Age Pension was their main source of income.  But are retirees living a comfortable retirement? The term ‘comfortable retirement’ is subjective.  For some retirees, the Age Pension payment is sufficient to m...

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Financial Advice or Financial Planning?

The term “Financial Advice” and “Financial Planning” are quite often used to describe financial services, but they are quite different.

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Superannuation Downsizer Contribution

Maximise super contributions for retirement with the Downsizer Contribution strategy

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Banking Plan

A Banking Plan is the key to successfully managing your finances and achieving your financial goals.

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Changes to excessive surcharges on credit & debit cards - what it means to businesses & consumers

Ever booked a holiday, hotel room, concert tickets?  No doubt if you paid by a credit card you may have been slugged with a fee or surcharge above the normal costs incurred by the business in providing the service. As of 1st September, 2016 a new law has been introduced prohibiting large businesses to charge excessive fees on purchas...

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McKinnon Financial Planning Pty Ltd ABN 74 155 233 784 Australian Financial Services Licence 417488 | McKinnon Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 82 056 817 648 Australian Credit Licence 392173 | General Advice Warning: Information contained in the pages of this website is of a general nature only and has not taken into account your particular circumstances. You should consider whether any strategies and or investments mentioned in this website are suitable for you and seek personal advice from a licenced investment adviser before making any investment decision.
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