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What Does a Financial Planner Do?

Posted by Dean McKinnon on 6 September 2012

I quite often get asked 'what is it that you actually do, Dean?', apart from dinking a lot of coffee and going to 'seminars'. I think the following sums up what I do as a professional Financial Planner:

I find out all about you: where you are now, where you want to be, what you want and what you have.

Then I come up with the best way to help you get what you want, and get you where you want to be.

Then I co-ordinate everything and everyone to make it happen.

Then, most importantly, I check to make sure you are on track to get you where you're going!

Whether you want to buy your first home, or you want to know if you have enough money to retire, I will develop a Plan to help you make it happen.

Author:Dean McKinnon
Tags:Financial Planning

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