This Week: GDM | Friday 7 June 2013
It is difficult to convey the actual value of dealing with a Financial Planner or Adviser. I consider myself a Comprehensive Financial Planner, which means that I act as an advocate for my clients in all of their financial dealings. Even that explanation may be difficult for a new client to understand what value I can be to them, so I decided to complete a weekly BLOG of some of the tasks I undertake for my clients on a weekly basis.
If you are considering using me as your Financial Planner or Adviser, I hope my BLOG will help you understand what I can do for you, and if you're an existing client that only uses me for one particular financial service, my BLOG may provide you with a better understanding of the other Financial Services I offer.
If you would like a more personalised assessment of your Financial Needs, please feel free to contact me, and I will arrange an obligation-free appointment.Tax Return Lodgement Strategy | $4,000+ Saved
I implemented a Tax Lodgement Strategy this week for one of my Total Service Clients. I finalised this strategy, in conjunction with their accountant, last year, but I implemented the strategy for the client this week. The net effect of the strategy was to save the client in excess of $4,000. Understanding tax strategies, and being able to effectively co-ordinate with a client's accountant, is a key component of my Total Service Client offering, which in this case generated some significant savings.
Age Pension Strategy | $76,000+ Income > $5,650 Tax
I completed a Preliminary Age Pension Strategy for a client. I was able to develop the strategy to enable the client to apply for the Age Pension, and earn about $76,272 per year in income. Whilst the client is not expected to receive a significant payment from the Age Pension, the savings form the Age Pension Concession Card (e.g. Property Rates) alone was worth the effort. And, my Strategy projected only about $5,650 in total Tax Payable for the year on the $76,272 income.
Established a Self-Managed Super Fund
I executed the documents for a client to open their Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF). I developed a Strategy with the client several months ago, to establish a SMSF, which they will use to purchase their own business premises. The main advantages for this client to own their business premises in a SMSF were:
- The property will be owned by the SMSF in retirement, therefore it is likely all income received will be tax-free
- No Capital Gains Tax is likely to be payable on the property's Capital Gain when the SMSF transitions to the Pension Phase (after age 60)
- Income generated by the property leading up to retirement will likely have a top tax rate of 15%
- The income generated by the property will not likely affect the clients' Concessional (i.e. tax deduction claimed) and Non-Concessional (i.e. no tax deduction claimed) Contribution Limits - which basically means more tax-effective retirement savings
There Was More But I ran Out of Time
There was a lot more I wanted to include in this week's BLOG, but I just ran out of time (I was too busy actually working on the business, instead of writing about it!). I will try to include a summary of some of the interesting work I have completed for my clients this week, in next week's BLOG. Have a great long weekend.
Tags:Why Dean is a LegendTaxSuperannuationRetirementSocial Security |
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