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Financial Planning in Action: Trip to Europe

Posted by Dean McKinnon on 14 September 2012

Here's an example of how easy it can be to plan your future with a professional Financial Planner.

One of our client's recently contacted me to discuss if they could afford a trip to Europe in 2013.

As they were a Total Service Financial Planning Client, we had all of their updated information on file, including their current Expenditure Analysis and details of their Income.

I completed the projection this morning for them and determined that they could afford to pay for the trip from their own Cash Surplus, which meant that they didn't need to borrow any money.

I also provided a strategy for them to earn the equivalent of 6%+ tax-free for their Holiday Savings.

Financial Planning in action.

Author:Dean McKinnon
Tags:Why Dean is a LegendTaxFinancial Planning

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