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#Everyoneneedsaplan when preparing to complete their 2015 Tax Return

Posted by Dean McKinnon on 23 July 2015
#Everyoneneedsaplan when preparing to complete their 2015 Tax Return
  • Do you have a basic PAYG Tax Return?

  • Do you have a Tax Return that is more complicated?

  • Do you prepare your own Tax Return?

  • Do you have a Tax Accountant or Tax Agent prepare your Tax Return?


If you answered YES to any of the above, then a Personal Tax Return Checklist can assist you in gathering all the necessary documentation required to complete your Tax Return correctly.  You need to make sure you have all the relevant information when preparing your tax return or visiting your Accountant/Tax Agent to have the return completed for you.

McKinnon Financial Services has a comprehensive Personal Tax Return Checklist compiled by RatesMate, which covers all areas of documentation required to complete an Individual's Tax Return.


Whether you have basic Income and Deductions or additional items such as Capital Gains, Depreciation, Rental Properties etc, this document will save you time and money when preparing to complete your tax return.

If you would like a copy of this checklist to make preparation of your personal tax return easier and more efficient, contact us via email (www.mckfs.com.au/contact-us.html ) , including in the subject line "Tax Checklist Request", and a free copy will be emailed to you.

#Everyoneneedsaplan when preparing to complete their 2015 Tax Return.



Author:Dean McKinnon

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